Have you had the thought of running your sneaker bot on a server? Then you’ll be making the right choice. You know why? Only in few situation scan your computer match the speed and convenience a server can offer you especially if you do your due diligence before selecting one. Needless to say, there are a good number of servers in the market. What you’re after are sneaker servers.
These are Private Virtual Servers (VPS) you can run your sneaker bots on. I will be discussing the bestsneaker servers in the market.Why do you need a server? Forget about the speed issue for a second; they make scaling up much easier than you think, they are accessible from anywhere, have insane power, and reduces latency (pings). Before discussing the servers, let take a look at the things you have to consider in a sneaker server.
Things to Consider Before Using a Server for Sneaker Copping
The things to consider before using a server is many. We will limit only the ones specific to sneaker servers in a bid to make this section of the article short and straight to the point. The important factors to lookout for in a server for sneaker copping include:
Operating System
This will determine whether you are able to run your bot or not. Just like your personal computer, a server needs an operating system to function. The operating system of your bot should dictate for you. Most sneaker bots in the market are Windows-based, and as such, you’ll do yourself a measure of good by subscribing to Windows-based servers.
Hear me out here – your server needs to be close to the sneaker site server you plan on copping from. There are no two ways about it, if it isn’t close, the connection speed will be slow, and you’ll miss out. That’s why your server needs to be as close as possible to the sites’ hosts (best if they are on the same server) so latency will be reduced and speed increased.
- Multithread Support
For the average sneaker bot, concurrency is what comes with them out of the box. But that becomes useless if your server does not have support for multitasking the way it should.
Best Servers for Sneaker Copping
AIO Server
- Operating system support: Windows
- Location: United States
- Ease of use: Very easy
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $59 per month
AIO Server is one server you cannot overlook as far as sneaker botting on a server is concerned. This is because it has been optimized for this purpose. Not only that, it was developed and managed by the team behind Another Nike Bot, a popular sneaker bot in the market.
This server comes with ANB AIO Bot installed – all you need is the keys. Their servers are in the New York and California and perfect for copping sneakers on sneaker sites hosted in the United States.
Google Cloud
- Operating System Support: Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, etc
- Location: 200 countries and territories
- Ease of Use: Fairly Easy
- Multithread Support: Yes
- Price: Pay as you go
When it comes to cloud computing and hosting, Google cloud is one of the kings in the block. It makes use of high-quality and modernized infrastructures. There are a lot of products on Google cloud, but our focus will be on hosting sneaker bots. Google cloud has proven to be one of the best sneaker servers out there in the market.
It is top-notch in the area of security and speed. It has got good locational support. Currently, Google Cloud has support for over 200 countries and territories. Another feature that makes Google Cloud the perfect sneaker server is its support for popular operating systems.
Sneaker Server
- Operating system support: Windows
- Location: United States, EU, Brazil, Singapore, and Japan
- Ease of use: Very easy
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $40 per month
They come with Windows preinstalled. Aside from their done-for-you option, you can also get their server bare metal for you to customize it the way you like. They have got servers in most of the locations sneaker sites are hosted, and as such, you should expect lower pings using them.
Amazon Web Services
- Operating system support: Windows, Linux, Raspbian
- Location: Many locations in the United States, Canada, Europe, China, and the Middle East
- Ease of use: Require some learning
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Pay as you go (no fixed price)
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has one of the best server infrastructures which you can use for hosting your sneaker bot. This is one of the best cloud computing platforms in the world and its cater for Fortune 500 companies.
Supreme New York site is hosted on AWS and as such, hosting your sneaker bot on it will make your internet speed very fast because of the closeness and reduced latency. One of the things I find interesting about AWS is that it is pay as you go and as such, you can use it only for the period you need it.
- Operating system support: Windows
- Location:the United States and UK
- Ease of use: Very easy
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $60 per month
10xServers is a Virtual Private Server (VPS) that comes preinstalled with Windows operating system. This server had been optimized for sneaker copping, and as such, you should expect high performance from it and never get the dreaded sold-out notice. The developers make use of Intel XEON Processors and provide you a RAM of at least 6GB RAM making it good for multitasking.
Nike Shoe Bot Sneaker Server
- Operating system support: Windows
- Location:the United States and UK
- Ease of use: Very easy
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $30 per month
Boost your sneaker copping game with servers made by the developers of Nike Shoe Bot; a team experienced in the sneaker copping business. Their servers provide you the speed required to compete effectively with other coppers – thanks to the fact that it has been developed for copping and as such, it is optimized solely for sneaker copping. Their proximity to sneaker sites is also one of the major reasons.
Microsoft Azure
- Operating System Support: Windows and Linux
- Location: About 10 countries supported with about 10 locations in the US
- Ease of Use: Fairly Easy
- Multithread Support: Yes
- Price: Starts from $54.75 monthly
Another platform you can host your sneaker bot for maximum network and speed performance is the Microsoft Azure server. Microsoft Azure has an App Service that is a fully managed platform for building, deploying, hosting, and scaling applications.
Currently, there are over 2 million sites and apps hosted on the Azure App Service. In terms of Operating System support, the App Service has support forrunning Windows and Linux – and as such, most sneaker bots are supported as these two OS are the most popular.
IcedOutProxies Servers
- Operating system support: Windows
- Location: United States
- Ease of use: Very easy
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $80 per month
IcedOutProxies is a popular proxy provider in the sneaker copping market. Interestingly, they also provide one of the best out of the bot sneaker site optimized servers for use in hosting sneaker bots.
They are some of the most powerful as the least volatile memory you can get from these servers is 12GB, making them provide good support for concurrency without any hassle. They are purely US servers located in the Chicago, Virginia, and New York area.
Hyper Servers
- Operating system support: Windows
- Location: United States
- Ease of use: Very easy
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $50 per month
Hype Servers is one of the most reliable servers built for copping sneakers. It is one of the fastest sneaker servers in the market with a minimal latency of 1ms. Because it has been made specifically for sneaker sites, all challenges unique to sneaker sites and sneaker copping have been addressed in it.
- Operating system support: Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, and many more
- Location: 16 locations including cities in the United States and the UK
- Ease of use: Fairly difficult
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $2.40 per month
Vultr just like Amazon Web Services isn’t a specialized server for sneaker copping. However, if you learn how to set it up, you’ll have an enjoyable experience using it – this is because you can customize it to your taste.
It is available in over 16 locations, including locations where sneaker sites are hosted. Vultr is secure, reliable, and has support for a variety of operating systems with Windows inclusive. One interesting thing about their billing is that it can be done hourly.
Oculus Server
- Operating system support: Windows
- Location: United States
- Ease of use: Fairly difficult
- Multithread support: Yes
- Price: Starts at $135 per month
This is another server not specifically made for sneaker proxies but can be fine-tuned to work perfectly for copping. It is windows based and as such, you wouldn’t need many settings to get your sneaker bot up and running. It is US based and as such, best used for sneaker sites hosted in the US.
As a way of wrapping up all that has been discussed above, I will have to advise you to consider the site you want to cop from before paying for the service of a web server.
This is because you might get frustrated if the server is not close to the server of the sneaker site you are targeting. As an example, AIO server has servers in New York, and Supreme is hosted in New York too so, AIO or AWS should be the best if you plan to cop from Supreme New York site.